The LORD's Church
Christmas Drama
Matthew 28:18-20
Episode 9


  • Live Your Message

    1. Christianity is a Message (00:40~)
    2. The Incarnate Message (1:22~)
    3. Jesus Has Much to Say (3:54~)
    4. He Who Has Ears to Hear (5:28~)
    5. The Skeptic Sees Himself as King (7:15~) 6. A Willingness to Do His Will (12:12~) 7. The Struggle to Conform Lifestyle to Doctrine (16:18~) 8. The Amazing Belief-O-Meter (17:49~) 9. Incarnational Truth (20:23~) 10. The Gospel Must Be Heard (23:50~) 11. The Silent Witness (25:30~) 12. The Gospel Must Be Lived (26:56~) 13. The Hearsay Witness (27:48~) 14. Revolutionaries Live Their Messages (29:36~)

    THE LAMB'S REVO... Episode 10
  • The Revolutionary’s Reward

    1. The Overcomer's Reward (0:38~)
    2. A Reward for the Righteous (2:02~)
    3. A Reward is More than "Stuff" (03:25~)
    4. Two Kinds of Rewards (07:28~)
    5. The World, the Flesh & the Devil (11:13~) 6. Worship is the Highest Form of Spiritual Warfare (16:25~) 7. A Command and a Promise (17:55~) 8. Revolutionaries Are Pioneers (24:09~)

    THE LAMB'S REVO... Episode 9
  • Invading the Culture

    1. Revolutionaries Are Ordinary People
    2. In the world, but Not Of It (4:35~)
    3. Consecration and Mission (6:29)
    4. John the Baptist and Jesus (7:13~)
    5. Nominalism and Separatism (10:08~) 6. Jonah Couldn't Escape His Call (12:42~) 7. Separatism vs. Consecration (13:25~) 8. W.W.J.D.? (15:14~) 9. Social Integration vs. Christian Witness (16:25~) 10. An Accessible Revolution (17:34~) 11. "Dressing Up" the Gospel Downgrades It (20:15~) 12. Recognizing the Beauty of Christ (21:40~) 13. Communicating the Beauty of Christ (22:47~) 14. Awakening a Generation (25:14~)

    THE LAMB'S REVO... Episode 8
  • What Sort of Revolution Does a Lamb Lead?

    1. Jesus Christ is a Revolutionary
    2. What Sort of Revolution Does a Lamb lead? (4:25~)
    3. Christ’s Kingdom Comes Initially in Seed Form (6:54~)
    4. The Victorious Lamb (9:48~)
    5. Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment (11:43~) 6. A Bold Reformer Starts a Revolution (12:30~) 7. The Moravian Revolution (13:31~) 8. Let Us Follow the Lamb (15:59~) 9. The Lamb Who Was Slain (16:22~) 10. Scars of Love (19:43~) 11. The Lamb of God Is Followed in Heaven (22:12~) 12. Jesus Sends Us Out As Lambs (23:35~)

    THE LAMB'S REVO... Episode 7
  • The Lamb’s Revolution

    1. ​Jesus, the Lamb of God
    2.​ Behold the Lamb! (1:38~)
    3.​ Jesus Knew His Purpose (2:35~)
    4.​ The Suffering Servant (3:43~)
    5. ​The Incarnate Word (4:27~)
    6. ​The Fifth Gospel (9:30~) 7. ​The Divine Exchange (11:07~) 8 .​Restored to God (13:53~) 9. ​The King Who Dies and Lives Forever (17:42~) 10. ​Jesus Came on Mission (21:00~) 11. ​The Lamb's Revolution is Spiritual, not Political (23:30~) 12. ​Understanding Our Mission as Disciples (25:03~)

    THE LAMB'S REVO... Episode 6
  • Revolutionaries Are Marked

    1.​ What Marks You?
    2​. Unmistakable Identification (1:22~)
    3.​ The Incarnation Confronts Us (3:42~)
    4. ​Sin Is Missing God's Mark (4:52~) 5.​ Woe to Those at Ease in Zion (5:43~) 6​. Isaiah's Vision (7:32~) 7. ​Fallen But Unaware (8:31~) 8.​ Isaiah Had an Epiphany (10:28~) 9.​ Gravitational Pull (12:7~) 10.​ Christians Are Salt & Light (14:30~) 11.​ Jesus Is the Model Christian (16:57~) 12.​ Our Public Confession of Christ (17:28~) 13.​ Passing the Test (20:59~) 14.​ Revolutionaries Are Marked (23:30~)

    THE LAMB'S REVO... Episode 5
  • Revolutionaries Are Awake

    1. Awakening the Dawn (1:08~)
    2. Revolutionaries Are Catalysts (2:16~)
    3. The Awake Mandate (3:49~)
    4. The Valley of Dry Bones (8:26~)
    5. More Than A Structure (10:01~)
    6. The Church Is a Body (11:15~) 7. Filled With the Holy Spirit (13:33~) 8. The Church: The Bride of Christ (14:53~) 9. Don't Forsake the Assembly (16:23~) 10. The Ichthus Community (18:23~) 11. Revolutionaries Have Spiritual Resolve (24:58~)

    THE LAMB'S REVO... Episode 4
  • Hearts On Fire

    1. The Zeal of the Lord (1:45~)
    2. It Only Takes A Spark (3:00~)
    3. Our Call is Our Catalyst (5:34~)
    4. Confrontation versus Accommodation (5:50~)
    5. Iron Sharpens Iron (6:41~)
    6. The Divine Agony (9:36~)
    7. Great Drops of Blood (11:01~)
    8. The Passion of Christ (12:10~)
    9. Passive and Active Prayer (17:12~)
    10. The Fire on the Altar (19:51~)
    11. Building a Fire (21:11~)
    12. Revolutionaries Are Like Dense, Dry Wood (25:22~)

    THE LAMB'S REVO...Episode 3
  • Revolutionaries Are Volunteers

    1. Revolutionaries Are Volunteers (1:35~)
    2. Gratitude Written On Our Hearts (5;29~)
    3. Outwardly Prodded versus Inwardly Propelled (6:45~)
    4. Yankee Volunteers versus Redcoat Concsripts (8:19~)
    5. The Volunteer Mind of the Early Christians (8:38~)
    6. Unprofitable Servants versus Stewards (10:12~)
    7. Soli Deo Gloria: Serving with a Spirit of Excellence (12:42~)
    8. Serving with Gladness (17:46~)
    9. The Parable of the Three Stewards (23:02~)
    10. The Story of the Widow's Leptons (23:58~)
    11. A Love For the Family Business (26:25~)

    THE LAMB'S REVO...Episode 2
  • Revolutionaries Think Differently

    1. Revolutionaries Think Differently (2:29~)
    2. The Copernican Revolution (5:07~)
    3. Created With Purpose and Meaning (6:13~)
    4. Political Revolutions involve a worldview change (10:23~)
    5. True Revolutions Originate from a grassroots movement (11:35~)
    6. Real Christianity is Revolutionary (11:54~)
    7. Jesus Calls Us into a Radically Different Way of Thinking and Living. (13;47~)
    8. Serving Jesus Christ is Our Highest Honor and Privilege. (14;47~)
    9. Confrontation versus Accommodation (16:29~)
    10. The Consecrated Life (18:25~)
    11. Shifting Our Spiritual Worldview (19:00~)
    12. Carpe Diem (He Who Hesitates is Lost) (20:34~)
    13. Recognizing The Pearl of Great Price (23:57~)
    14. Revolutionaries are Intentional (24:08~)
    15. Counting the Cost (25:08~)

    THE LAMB'S REVO... Episode 1