Worship Time

10:00 am
Main Sanctuary

"TUESDAY MANNA" is the time to receive God's love as the manna for today.

The "manna" in the Bible was the daily bread of the Israelites for 40 years in the wilderness. This was not a natural thing. It was a gift and a form that God gave to His people supernaturally, loving the people every day. It will be the time to change our daily life through the Word and to come to God through prayer.

The story of a woman who washed the feet of Jesus with her tear and poured oil in Luke 7. Perhaps it was the most difficult place for her. She was not invited and people would have been uncomfortable with her. But she fell before Jesus, gave her the most precious thing, and worshiped with tears. The woman showed her gratitude in the grace of Jesus despite her shame. When we meet fire, we must respond to the grace of the Lord in this way. It is thanksgiving and humility. Then the Lord, who knows better than us, will give us His grace that overflows.

Those who love me will receive my love, and those who seek me will find me. Prov. 8:17

"TUESDAY MANNA" is the time of prayer for those who love God and seek God. It is time to pray with the heart of God for the family, children, and the church we serve. "He who searches for me will find me." We are the ones who need the Lord. Those who cannot live a day without the Lord. We invite you to "TUESDAY MANNA" coming nearer to God.